Systems Thinking

Understanding the complexity when two people meet

Each person is a system. Everything about them is influenced by many factors; these include current factors and historical factors. When a person is angry and upset there are many things influencing them in that moment. Likewise there are many factors influencing the way the customer service person is responding to them.

When two systems “collide” in a stressful or confrontational situation, it is easy for both parties to misunderstand each other or take the conflict personally. They see only one cause for the conflict, that is, the other person. They then ‘blame’ each other and nothing gets resolved. They miss the fact that each person is a complex system influenced by many things and that each moment has many ‘causes’.

TUF: Thriving Under Fire enables participants to understand the nature of individual and situational systems and the power they have over us all. When people have a systems perspective they are in a better position to make more empowered choices that enable both parities to stay in relationship with each other and resolve differences.

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